Thursday, November 20, 2008

Jagte Raho..

okk. so the interview wiht MADSCIENCE went very well. they hired me for their part time presenter (yes.. now i will teach small kids science wiht help of some toys). After lots of fake smiles, thank yous and c ya soon, I left the office all happy. But just than english weather did in. Sun suddenly realised that he needs to go for the friendly England & Germany foot ball match. Leaving me and Rain to ourselves.

I was soaked and waiting for the bus to come. After arduous wait of 30 mins i finally relaxed in the warmthness of the bus seat. soon i was dreaming abt Application of quantitative methods in research.

When i woke up i realised that the houses didnt look familiar. I knw in UK its impossible to tell one street from other .. but still the pictures hung on on particular house wasnt the one dat i saw everyday..
It dawned to me that i have over slept!! The friendly bus driver explained me the route back home. My only Navigation device were the Bus stops wiht the no of my bus written on them. I tried follwoing them.. but soon took a wrong turn..
Well there were no paan bidi shop, stray ppl standing on road, rickshawala, taxiwala or friendly beggars (even unfriendly) to whom i could ask directions... i was lost.

How i missed the street dogs. U c they are extremly territorial in nature. Any other person intruding their mahulla and the would all revolt. But here i didnt have even that kind of help.. i took as many wrong turns as possible....

In mumbai ppl wake up at 6pm and the night life starts at 8 pm. Out here ppl sleep by 7:30. The roads were practically deserted and i my shoes were making wired noises thanks to water retention. Even the cars were as rare as a stock broker in sharemarket (these days!!)

After many trial and error.. i finall took to correct right turn and was happy to find a bus stop wiht my bus no on it. soon i reached home.... I was proud of myself. who says gals cant understand maps or directions... ? well they are probably correct... it took me torrential rains and temp of 1`C to get it correct .

P.S : I would fight wiht BMC once am back. We need street dogs.. they help us reach home.


Raahul said...

Lady you are back on the Blogging scene... Thats amazing, welcome back. Btw take care and dont get lost in the Great UK !!!

shah_of_blah said...

hmm.. belated congrats for the twin feats..yes dogs do help us reach home..realised this when i returned home after about an year and a half and the usual bark-happy creatures and the street somehow made me feel i belonged there afterall..
so maybe you could have a pet who could help you recognize you house in case all seem like the same someday..